Monthly Archives: September 2016

Lesson for October 1, 2016

Lesson for October 1, 2016. SAUL’S DISOBEDIENCE AND REJECTION Scripture Reading: 1 Samuel 15:1-23. Memory Verse: 1 Samuel 15:23. What was Saul’s first blunder after he was made King? 1 Samuel 13:5-9. After the sacrifice was offered, who appeared? 1 Samuel 13:10. What was Samuel’s question to Saul? What was Saul's reply? 1 Samuel 13:11,12. [...]

By |2016-09-29T22:13:57+03:00September 29th, 2016|Bible Lessons|4 Comments

Lesson for September 24, 2016

Lesson for September 24, 2016. A CHOSEN SEED Scripture Reading: Isaiah 60. Memory Verse: Isaiah 60:21. What promise was made to the seed of Abraham, and why? Genesis 22:17; 26:5. How far was the blessing of Abraham to reach? Were others also to be blessed through his seed? Genesis 12:2,3; 22:18; 26:4. Was Israel always [...]

By |2016-09-22T21:04:47+03:00September 22nd, 2016|Bible Lessons|2 Comments

Lesson for September 17, 2016

Lesson for September 17, 2016. WHOM THE LORD LOVETH HE CHASTISETH Scripture Reading: Hebrews 12:1-13. Memory Verse: Hebrews 12:7. How does God deal with those He loves? Hebrews 12:5. How will God regard us if we benefit by chastisements? Hebrews 12:6-9. What is God's goal in correcting His people? Hebrews 12:10,11. NOTE: The chastisement of the [...]

By |2016-09-15T21:27:29+03:00September 15th, 2016|Bible Lessons|0 Comments

Lesson for September 10, 2016

Lesson for September 10, 2016. THE REMNANT PEOPLE HAVE A WORK TO DO Scripture Reading: John 15. Memory Verse: John 15:8. Has each faithful servant been assigned something to do? Mark 13:34. What else has been given to His disciples? Matthew 25:15. Then what are the disciples also called, to whom work has been assigned? [...]

By |2016-09-08T00:10:33+03:00September 8th, 2016|Bible Lessons|0 Comments
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