Lesson for July 23, 2016.


Scripture Reading: Leviticus 26:1-31.

Memory Verse: Luke 21:24.

  1. What blessings and protection were promised Israel if they would obey the Lord? Leviticus 26:3-12.
  2. If they failed to obey, what would be their punishment? Leviticus 26:14-17.
  3. For what length of time would they be chastised? Leviticus 26:18.
  4. What shows the severity of God’s judgment on them? Leviticus 26:19,21,24,28.

NOTE:  The multiple use of the expression ”seven times” does not mean several times seven.  ”Seven” in the Scriptures means completeness; thus, this is used in an emphatic sense to express the completeness of their chastisement. The seven times a day for a year or 2,520 years, began with the Babylon captivity under Nebuchadnezzar in 606 B.C., and ended with the evacuation of the Turks in Palestine under General Allenby in World War I, the year 1914.

  1. During these years, what is said of their land? Leviticus 26:31-35.
  2. What would this severe punishment cause them to do? Leviticus 26:28,29.
  3. What other expressions are used to show the severity of their punishment? Jeremiah 31:27,28.
  4. During these years of captivity, how did they stand before God? Jeremiah 31:35-37.
  5. What is said of their identity among the nations during this time? Isaiah 61:9.
  6. What is the real purpose of this affliction? Hosea 5:15.
  7. Why would God not destroy them utterly during these years? Leviticus 26:44,45.
  8. What prophecy of David is now being fulfilled? Psalms 102:15,16.


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