The application is only available for the windows 10 phone users. If you are using windows 8 or 8.1, you can still update your windows to 10 and then follow the following link to install.

To install the windows app, please follow the following steps:

Download the two files contained in the following link and save them in your windows phone: 

Download files

  1. Go to Settings
  2. Select Update & security
  3. Select For Developers
  4. Select Sideload apps

Now, go to the folder where you saved the two files downloaded (JSDCOGApp.Windows10_1.2.8.0_x86_x64_arm.cer & JSDCOGApp.Windows10_1.2.8.0_x86_x64_arm.appxbundle). Click to and install.

NB: For the first launch, the application may not display lessons immediately since it will be syncing the lessons from the online server. Therefore, you need to get to the lessons tab and let it stay for some few seconds and then select the year.

Please write to us for any feedback. Thanks




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