Lesson for December 11, 2021


Scripture: Rev. 21st chapter

Memory verse: Rev. 21: 27.

  1. Do we, as laborers of God, receive a portion of our reward in this life? Mark 10:28-30.
  2. Will every man be rewarded exactly according to the part he had in the work? 1 Cor. 3:8; John 4:36, 37.
  3. Will even the smallest act, if done for our Saviour be rewarded? Mark 9:41.
  4. Will not one of the greatest sources of our joy be in seeing those for whom we have labored, saved in the kingdom of God? Phil. 4:1; 1 Thess. 2:19, 20.
  5. What promise does the Lord give us that in sowing His word there will be good accomplished? Isaiah 55:10, 11.
  6. How much does Christ promise His laborers Matt 20:7-10.
  7. To what is the glory of our reward compared? Daniel 12:3.
  8. Does our Saviour promise to share even His own joy with his faithful laborers? Matt. 25:19, 21.

Note. “The Son of man came not to be ministered unto, BUT to minister.” Matt. 20:28. It was not for himself that he lived, thought labored and died. He is our example, and we are to live and to walk as he lived and walked. Our purpose and object in this short life will be to follow him, and to live for the same work.

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