Monthly Archives: September 2019

Lesson for September 28, 2019

Lesson for September 28, 2019. ARE THE PEOPLE RETURNING TO THE HOLY LAND REALLY JEWS? Scripture reading: Ezekiel 38:14-23. Memory verse: Ezekiel 38:16. What special blessing did the Lord promise to Abraham and to his seed, and what curses were promised for his enemies? Gen. 12:1-3, What race of people hold the legal deed to [...]

By |2019-09-26T21:18:40+03:00September 26th, 2019|Bible Lessons|0 Comments

Lesson for September 21, 2019

Lesson for September 21, 2019. THE BUILDING OF GOD Scripture Reading: 1 Cor. 3. Memory Verse: 1 Cor. 3:9. Unto what does the Apostle Paul liken the people of God? 1 Cor. 3:9. Of what does the foundation of this building consist? Eph, 2:19, 20. What important place does Jesus occupy in this building? Eph. [...]

By |2019-09-18T20:57:31+03:00September 18th, 2019|Bible Lessons|0 Comments

Lesson for September 14, 2019

Lesson for September 14, 2019. THE VICTORIOUS LIFE Note: Many say that perfection is too high a standard to reach, that it is impossible to attain. There are, however, many examples in the Bible of people who lived according to the will of God. In Christ Jesus all is possible. "I can do all things [...]

By |2019-09-11T21:18:45+03:00September 11th, 2019|Bible Lessons|0 Comments

Lesson for September 7, 2019

Lesson for September 7, 2019. FORGIVING ONE ANOTHER Scripture Reading: Matt. 18th Chapter. Memory Verse: Matt. 6:15. What is necessary for us to do in order to receive forgiveness of our sins? Mark 11:25.Will God pardon those who do not forgive their fellow men? Matt. 6:15; Mark 11:26, Matt. 18:21-22. Note. God is not satisfied [...]

By |2019-09-05T09:00:29+03:00September 5th, 2019|Bible Lessons|0 Comments
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