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Lesson for November 10, 2018


Scripture reading: Matthew 7:13-29.

Memory verse: Deuteronomy 28:1.

  1. What befell the sons of Aaron when they disobeyed the Lord’s commandments? Leviticus 10:1-3; Numbers 3:4.
  2. What was Abraham’s reward for being obedient? Hebrews 11:8; Genesis 22:17, 18.
  3. What catastrophe came upon the house of Eli? 1 Samuel 2:34, 35; 3:17, 18.

Note. — Disobedience always causes disaster in one form or another. Obedience is the act of conforming to the commands of a superior. It is one of the fundamentals necessary to the Christian life. Faith in itself is a simple form of obedience.

  1. Due to their disobedience, what befell the Israelites who came out of the captivity of Egypt? Numbers 14:24, 30, 36-38; 26:65.
  2. How does God look on the obedient and disobedient? Proverbs 15:9; 12:2; 8:18-21.
  3. What good admonition did Moses give to Israel? Deuteronomy 4:14.
  4. Was Jesus, our great example, also our example in obedience? Mark 14:36; Romans 5:19; Philippians 2:8.

Note. – We can see by these passages and others that Christ was tempted, that He was human, that He was put to every test: yet with that wonderful self effacement He came forth from every trial obedient even unto death.

  1. By the obedience of Christ we are saved. How did Jesus learn obedience? Hebrews 5:7-8.
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