Lesson for May 16, 2020


Scripture reading: Luke 18:1-27.

Memory verse: Luke 18:7.

  1. Is it the desire of the Lord that people everywhere call upon Him in prayer? 1Timothy 2:8.
  2. What is the promise for those who seek Him for the things they need? Matthew 7:8.
  3. How does Christ Jesus illustrate the Heavenly Father’s willingness to grant favors to those who ask? Luke 11:9-13.
  4. Should the Lord’s people seek for temporal or for spiritual help? Matthew 6:31-33.
  5. From what source do all things come? James 1:17.
  6. In order to receive spiritual blessings from above, what are we instructed to do? James 4:8.
  7. Will long, loud and proclaiming prayers guarantee Heaven’s notice? Matthew 6:7, 8.

Note: It is “the fervent effectual prayer” that counts. James 5:16. Ye are to pray “in faith believing” and the believing part is most effective.

  1. What is said about praying with understanding and what should always be mixed with our prayers? 1 Corinthians 14:15; Philippians 4:6.
  2. In order for us to pray and receive forgiveness for our trespasses, what must we first do? Mark 11:24-26.
  3. How did Daniel pray? What about Cornelius and the Apostles? Daniel 6:10; Acts 10:2-4; 12:12.
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