Monthly Archives: May 2022

Lesson for May 21, 2022

Lesson for May 21, 2022 HEALING THE CRIPPLE; THE CALL OF MATTHEW Scripture Reading: Matthew 9:1-12. Memory Verse: Matthew 9:12. Where did Jesus go? Matthew 9:1.Who was brought to Him for healing? Instead of healing him, what did Jesus say to him? Matthew 9:2.Under what circumstances was he brought to Jesus? Mark 2:1-5.What did the [...]

By |2022-06-02T20:23:39+03:00May 5th, 2022|Bible Lessons|0 Comments

Lesson for May 14, 2022

Lesson for May 14, 2022 THE WATER OF LIFE Scripture reading: Isaiah 12. Memory verse: Revelation 22:17. What is God’s invitation to those who are thirsty? Isaiah 44:3; 51:1.By what means do we draw water from the wells of salva­tion? Isaiah 12:2, 3; Nehemiah 8:10 (last part).What simple request did Jesus make to the woman [...]

By |2022-06-02T20:23:40+03:00May 5th, 2022|Bible Lessons|0 Comments

Lesson for May 7, 2022

Lesson for May 7, 2022 PERFECTION IN LIFE’S RACE Scripture reading: Philippians 3. Memory verse: Philippians 3:14. What was the standard to which Noah attained in his day? Genesis 6:8.What standard did God demand of Abraham? Genesis 17:1.What infers that Enoch had attained perfection? Genesis 5:22-25; Hebrews 11:5.What does the New Testament say about Zacharias [...]

By |2022-06-02T20:23:42+03:00May 5th, 2022|Bible Lessons|0 Comments
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