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So far JSD-COG has created 647 blog entries.

Lesson for November 10, 2018

[one_full last="yes" spacing="yes" center_content="no" hide_on_mobile="no" background_color="" background_image="" background_repeat="no-repeat" background_position="left top" hover_type="none" link="" border_position="all" border_size="0px" border_color="" border_style="" padding="" margin_top="" margin_bottom="" animation_type="" animation_direction="" animation_speed="0.1" animation_offset="" class="" id=""] Lesson for November 10, 2018 EXAMPLES OF OBEDIENCE AND DISOBEDIENCE Scripture reading: Matthew 7:13-29. Memory verse: Deuteronomy 28:1. What befell the sons of Aaron when they disobeyed the Lord’s commandments? [...]

By |2018-11-07T20:54:48+03:00November 7th, 2018|Bible Lessons|0 Comments

Lesson for November 3, 2018

[one_full last="yes" spacing="yes" center_content="no" hide_on_mobile="no" background_color="" background_image="" background_repeat="no-repeat" background_position="left top" hover_type="none" link="" border_position="all" border_size="0px" border_color="" border_style="" padding="" margin_top="" margin_bottom="" animation_type="" animation_direction="" animation_speed="0.1" animation_offset="" class="" id=""] Lesson for November 3, 2018 MINISTERIAL SUPPORT IN THE CHRISTIAN DISPENSATION Scripture reading: Romans 10:1-17. Memory verse: Romans 10:15. What commission did Jesus give to His apostles after His resurrection? [...]

By |2018-10-31T21:11:49+03:00October 31st, 2018|Bible Lessons|0 Comments

Lesson for October 27, 2018

[one_full last="yes" spacing="yes" center_content="no" hide_on_mobile="no" background_color="" background_image="" background_repeat="no-repeat" background_position="left top" hover_type="none" link="" border_position="all" border_size="0px" border_color="" border_style="" padding="" margin_top="" margin_bottom="" animation_type="" animation_direction="" animation_speed="0.1" animation_offset="" class="" id=""] Lesson for October 27, 2018 SHINING FOR JESUS Scripture Reading: 1 Thess. 5. Memory Verse: John 8:12. Who is the light of the world? How must those walk who follow [...]

By |2018-10-24T21:30:12+03:00October 24th, 2018|Bible Lessons|0 Comments

Lesson for October 20, 2018

[one_full last="yes" spacing="yes" center_content="no" hide_on_mobile="no" background_color="" background_image="" background_repeat="no-repeat" background_position="left top" hover_type="none" link="" border_position="all" border_size="0px" border_color="" border_style="" padding="" margin_top="" margin_bottom="" animation_type="" animation_direction="" animation_speed="0.1" animation_offset="" class="" id=""] Lesson for October 20, 2018 A SAD PHASE OF REPENTANCE Scripture reading: 1 Kings 21:1-23; Prov. 1:24-31. Memory verse: Prov. 1:28. Note. -- The Heavenly Father gives all plenty of [...]

By |2018-10-17T20:57:53+03:00October 17th, 2018|Bible Lessons|0 Comments

Lesson for October 13, 2018

[one_full last="yes" spacing="yes" center_content="no" hide_on_mobile="no" background_color="" background_image="" background_repeat="no-repeat" background_position="left top" hover_type="none" link="" border_position="all" border_size="0px" border_color="" border_style="" padding="" margin_top="" margin_bottom="" animation_type="" animation_direction="" animation_speed="0.1" animation_offset="" class="" id=""] Lesson for October 13, 2018 PROPHECY FORETOLD AND FULFILLED Scripture Reading: Isaiah 53. Memory Verse: Luke 18:31. In what words did Moses speak of Christ? Deut. 18:15. How may we [...]

By |2018-10-10T22:36:11+03:00October 10th, 2018|Bible Lessons|0 Comments

Lesson for October 6, 2018

[one_full last="yes" spacing="yes" center_content="no" hide_on_mobile="no" background_color="" background_image="" background_repeat="no-repeat" background_position="left top" hover_type="none" link="" border_position="all" border_size="0px" border_color="" border_style="" padding="" margin_top="" margin_bottom="" animation_type="" animation_direction="" animation_speed="0.1" animation_offset="" class="" id=""] Lesson for October 6, 2018 ARE THERE ANGELS AND WHY? Scripture reading: Heb. 1st chapter. Memory verse: Heb. 1:14. What creation of beings are there similar to man, and what [...]

By |2018-10-04T00:28:21+03:00October 4th, 2018|Bible Lessons|0 Comments

Lesson for September 29, 2018

[one_full last="yes" spacing="yes" center_content="no" hide_on_mobile="no" background_color="" background_image="" background_repeat="no-repeat" background_position="left top" hover_type="none" link="" border_position="all" border_size="0px" border_color="" border_style="" padding="" margin_top="" margin_bottom="" animation_type="" animation_direction="" animation_speed="0.1" animation_offset="" class="" id=""] Lesson for September 29, 2018 WHEN THE NATIONS COME AGAINST JERUSALEM, WILL THE GENTILES OR JEWS BE THERE? Scripture reading: Ezekiel 38:14-23. Memory verse: Ezekiel 38:16. What special blessing did [...]

By |2018-09-26T21:25:45+03:00September 26th, 2018|Bible Lessons|0 Comments

Lesson for September 22, 2018

[fullwidth background_color="" background_image="" background_parallax="none" enable_mobile="no" parallax_speed="0.3" background_repeat="no-repeat" background_position="left top" video_url="" video_aspect_ratio="16:9" video_webm="" video_mp4="" video_ogv="" video_preview_image="" overlay_color="" overlay_opacity="0.5" video_mute="yes" video_loop="yes" fade="no" border_size="0px" border_color="" border_style="" padding_top="20" padding_bottom="20" padding_left="" padding_right="" hundred_percent="no" equal_height_columns="no" hide_on_mobile="no" menu_anchor="" class="" id=""] Lesson for September 22, 2018 ISAIAH, THE GOSPEL PROPHET Scripture reading: Isaiah 53. Memory verse: Isaiah 8:20. Note. Isaiah prophesied in the [...]

By |2018-09-26T21:46:24+03:00September 19th, 2018|Bible Lessons|1 Comment

Lesson for September 15, 2018

[one_full last="yes" spacing="yes" center_content="no" hide_on_mobile="no" background_color="" background_image="" background_repeat="no-repeat" background_position="left top" hover_type="none" link="" border_position="all" border_size="0px" border_color="" border_style="" padding="" margin_top="" margin_bottom="" animation_type="" animation_direction="" animation_speed="0.1" animation_offset="" class="" id=""] Lesson for September 15, 2018 JUDGEMENT Scripture Reading: 2 Peter 3:1-18 Memory Verse: 2 Peter 3:18 Is there a set time for judgement? Acts 17:31 What two cities are set [...]

By |2018-09-12T19:50:43+03:00September 12th, 2018|Bible Lessons|0 Comments

Lesson for September 8, 2018

[one_full last="yes" spacing="yes" center_content="no" hide_on_mobile="no" background_color="" background_image="" background_repeat="no-repeat" background_position="left top" hover_type="none" link="" border_position="all" border_size="0px" border_color="" border_style="" padding="" margin_top="" margin_bottom="" animation_type="" animation_direction="" animation_speed="0.1" animation_offset="" class="" id=""] Lesson for September 8, 2018 THE KINGDOM OF GOD IS NEAR, YES EVEN AT THE DOOR Scripture reading: Luke 21:24-36. Memory verse: Luke 21:36. How long were the Jewish people [...]

By |2018-09-05T21:39:11+03:00September 5th, 2018|Bible Lessons|0 Comments
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