Monthly Archives: September 2022

Lesson for October 29, 2022

Lesson for October 29, 2022 THE ROYAL LINE OF JUDAH Scripture Reading: Zechariah 12. Memory Verse: Zechariah 13:1. What was foretold in the earliest prophecy concerning the tribe of Judah? Genesis 49:9,10.What blessings did Moses foretell for Judah? Deuteronomy 33:7.Who was first king from the Judah line? 2 Samuel 2:4; 5:3-5.Later, because of sin, what [...]

By |2022-09-28T20:29:35+03:00September 28th, 2022|Bible Lessons|0 Comments

Lesson for October 22, 2022

Lesson for October 22, 2022 A MESSAGE TO THE MOUNTAINS OF ISRAEL Scripture Reading: Ezekiel 36. Memory Verse: Ezekiel 36:24. To whom is this message especially sent? Ezekiel 36:1.What did the enemies say about the mountains of Israel? Ezekiel 36: 2.Is this message for our time following the period of desolation, or is it for [...]

By |2022-09-28T20:14:09+03:00September 28th, 2022|Bible Lessons|0 Comments

Lesson for October 15, 2022

Lesson for October 15, 2022 THE JEWS IN THE HOLY LAND Scripture Reading: Ezekiel 38:14-23. Memory Verse: Ezekiel 38:16. What special blessing did the Lord promise to Abraham and to his seed? What is promised for those that bless the chosen people and those that curse them? Genesis 12:1-3.What race of people hold the legal [...]

By |2022-09-28T20:13:22+03:00September 28th, 2022|Bible Lessons|0 Comments

Lesson for October 8, 2022

Lesson for October 8, 2022 JERUSALEM AND MOUNT ZION Scripture reading: Isaiah 62:1-12. Memory verse: Psalms 102:16. When the trumpet of the seventh angel sounds, what will great voices from Heaven announce? Rev. 11:15.Who will assist the Saviour and King in this new kingdom? Rev. 20:4; also Rev. 2:25-27.Where will the overcomers rule with the [...]

By |2022-09-28T20:12:40+03:00September 28th, 2022|Bible Lessons|0 Comments

Lesson for October 1, 2022

Lesson for October 1, 2022 ISRAEL THE LORD'S WITNESS Scripture Reading: Numbers 23. Memory Verse: Isaiah 43:12. What is lsrael's ultimate destiny? Exodus 19:6.Was Israel destined to become amalgamated with the nations or remain separate? Deuteronomy 33:28; Numbers 23:9.Did the Lord pre-ordain Israel's future territory? Deuteronomy 32:8; 2 Samuel 7:10.In case of sin, what would [...]

By |2022-09-28T20:11:52+03:00September 28th, 2022|Bible Lessons|0 Comments

Lesson for September 24, 2022

Lesson for September 24, 2022 ETERNAL RICHES Scripture Reading: 1 Timothy 6. Memory Verse: 1 Timothy 6:11. What is the theme of Paul's preaching relative to riches, in Ephesians 3:8 and what warning is given in 1 Timothy 6:17-19?What is the real condition of many who are poor in worldly possessions and others who are [...]

By |2022-09-02T05:45:35+03:00September 2nd, 2022|Bible Lessons|0 Comments

Lesson for September 17, 2022

Lesson for September 17, 2022 DECEPTIVE TEACHINGS OF THE LAST DAYS Scripture Reading: 1 Cor. 3rd Chapter. Memory Verse: Rom. 16:17. Is there danger of being deceived? Col. 2:8; 1 John 4: 1What will become of those who follow the teachings of man? Col. 2:20-22.Did the disciples understand the gospel or mission of Christ at [...]

By |2022-09-02T05:44:17+03:00September 2nd, 2022|Bible Lessons|0 Comments

Lesson for September 10, 2022

Lesson for September 10, 2022 STEWARDSHIP As Christ’s disciples, we are called to labor in His service, follow in His footsteps and forsake the world. But He does not ask us to endure hardship to no end. There is a glorious prize to be won through faithful Stewardship, and whatever suffering we endure in this [...]

By |2022-09-02T05:43:04+03:00September 2nd, 2022|Bible Lessons|0 Comments

Lesson for September 3, 2022

Lesson for September 3, 2022 APPOINTED TO PRAISE Scripture reading: Psalms 117. Memory verse: Psalms 117:1. Is praise to be a part of the Ministry? I Chronicles 16:4; 23:5.What example are we given in I Chronicles 23:30 concerning praise?Is music an acceptable way to praise? II Chronicles 7:6.Should we praise with our voices? II Chronicles [...]

By |2022-09-01T06:24:00+03:00September 1st, 2022|Bible Lessons|0 Comments
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