Lesson for June 1, 2024


Jesus is with us every day. We should not limit Him to Sabbaths, prayer meetings or our quiet times alone with Him. Although it is very true that we are greatly blessed by His presence during those times, it is also equally true that, more often than not, He is right there beside us at the work bench, in the office, while we wash the dishes, drive the car or whatever daily activity we may be engaged in. Those are the times when we may least expect Him, and this should not be so. Our work should be pleasing unto the Lord, so that our labours may be blessed by Him.

Scripture Reading: Mark 16:9-20.

Memory Verse: John 15:16.

  1. What command did Jesus give His disciples about preaching the Word? Mark 16:16; Matthew 28:19; Acts 1:8.
  2. Just before the Lord Jesus ascended to heaven where were the disciples gathered? John 21:2,3.
  3. What proves that the Lord was displeased with what they were doing? John 21:3,last part.
  4. Who appeared on the shore? John 21:4.
  5. What happened when they obeyed the Lord’s command? John 21:6.
  6. Is it possible for us to accomplish anything without Him? John 15:5.
  7. What soul-searching question did Jesus ask Peter? John 21:15.
  8. How did Peter feel when the Lord asked him the third time if he really loved Him? John 21:17.
  9. When Peter saw the disciple whom the Lord loved following, what did he ask the Lord? John 21:20,21.
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