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Lesson for December 23.


Scripture Reading: Psalms 66:13-20.

Memory Verse: Psalms 6:9.

  1. Does the Lord hear the prayers of His people? Proverbs 15:29.
  2. Will He hear our prayers when we knowingly remain in disobedience? Proverbs 28:9.
  3. What can we obtain through prayer? Matthew 21:22.
  4. What does Christ say about the pretense of prayer? Matthew 23:14.
  5. What good examples are we given to follow in Acts 1:14 and 6:4?
  6. How often are we to go before the Lord in prayer? Ephesians 6:18; also read Romans 12:12 and Colossians 4:2.
  7. What are we to do if a brother or sister is going through a trial? Acts 12:5.
  8. How important is a prayer of faith? James 5:15.
  9. How can we daily edify, uplift, and see to each other’s needs? James 5:16.

NOTE:  The Bible tells us to “watch and pray”. Great accomplishments can be made by the prayers of His people. Let us continue to pray, as the Bible commands, for the peace of Jerusalem, for the leaders of our nations and for our brothers  and sisters around the world.

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