Lesson for February 8, 2025
Scripture Reading Matt: 25:1-30
Memory Verse: 1 Cor. 15:58
- To what work did Jesus call some men? Matt. 4:17-22
- What did he say about the harvest and the laborers? Matt. 9:36-38.
- When will the end come? Matt 24:14
- What special command did He give us? Matt 28:18-20
- How urgent is the work of the Lord? Luke 14:23
- What must a person do to in order to be a worker for Christ Jesus? Matt 16:24
- What promise is held out for serious workers? Psalms 126:5, 6
- How important is it that we answer the gospel call? Eze. 33:7-19
- May we make our choice whether or not we will preach the gospel? 1 Cor. 9:16
- What arrangement did God make so all will have a part in bringing the gospel to unsaved? Matt. 14: 30
- Note. God calls certain ones to spend all their time in His vineyard, but not all can preach; still, He has something for each member of the body to do, in order to be a profitable servant. The apostle Paul told the Corinthians brethren (sisters included) to be always abounding in the work of the Lord- 1 Cor. 15:58
- How may each have part in spreading the gospel even if he himself is unable to go? 2 Cor 9:1-7
- How is it ordained for sinners to hear the gospel? Rom 10:14,15
- Is a minister expected to go on his own charge altogether, or may he expect help while working in the vineyard of the Lord. I Cor 9:7-11; Rom 15:27
- What plan did God provide that his ministers may be provided for? 1Cor. 9:13-14, Num. 18:21
- When Paul won sinners to Christ, did he take the glory to himself or did he credit it to those who supported him? Phil. 4:14-17