Lesson for January 18, 2025
Scripture reading: Titus 1:1-15.
Memory verse: Titus 2:1.
- What did the apostle Jude say we should earnestly contend for? Jude 3.
- What two kinds of doctrine are there in the world? Matt. 7:28, 29; 1 Tim. 4:1.
Note. — In these two texts are mentioned the doctrines of Christ, and the doctrines of devils.
- What is the doctrine of Christ according to 1 Tim 6:3-5?
- What did Jesus say of His doctrine? John 7:16.
- Why did He say this? John 6:38; 5:30.
- How and through what medium can we know the true doctrine? 2 Tim. 3:16, 17.
- Through what medium does the Holy Spirit work to reveal the wonderful saving truth? 2 Pet. 1:20, 21; Heb. 10:25; Rev. 2:7.
- Will obedience to sound doctrine help us? Rom 6:17, 18.
- As children of God and teachers, what are we commanded to teach? Titus 2:1.
- Should sound doctrine condemn all manner of sin? What is sin? 1 Tim. 1:9-10.
- By sound doctrine what may we be able to do? Titus 1:9.
- If we give heed to true Bible doctrine, what will it do? 1 Tim 4:16.
- What did Christ Jesus command us not to leave undone? Matt. 23:23.
- Why were the people astonished at the doctrine of Christ? Matt. 7:28, 29.
Note. — Christ spake with authority because He taught the Word in its purity, and no opponent relying upon false doctrine was able to successfully resist it; so it is with everyone today who is able to take the unadulterated Word as their guide.
- How did Paul say some would regard sound doctrine in times to come? 1 Tim. 4:1-4.