Lesson for January 4, 2025



Scripture Reading: 1 Corinthians 15:41-58.

Memory Verse: 1 Corinthians 15:28.


  1. What must we expect to endure as soldiers of Christ Jesus? Luke 21:16,17.
  2. With what should the workers of the Lord be clothed? Ephesians 6:10-18.
  3. What is the Lord’s field (in which each member of the church is a laborer)? Matthew 13:38.
  4. What are we to use in the work of the Lord? Mark 4:14.
  5. Where in this great field? Where will we do this all important work? Ecclesiastes 11:1,2; Luke 14:21, 23.
  6. What example of working has been given to us as set forth by the Lord and the apostles pertaining to laboring from house to house? Luke 5:29-32; 7:36; 19:1-5; Acts 20:20.
  7. When are we to labor? Ecclesiastes 11:6.
  8. Do those who work only in pleasant weather have the promise of a good harvest? Ecclesiastes 11:4.
  9. Why should we engage in this great work without delay? John 9:4.
  10. Should each heart be full of tenderness and love for those for whom they labor? Psalm 126:5,6.
  11. What great promise is made to those who turn people to righteousness? Daniel 12:3.
  12. How can we as disciples of Christ prove our discipleship? John 15:8.
  13. What two wonderful truths should we understand as we labour in His vineyard? Isaiah 55:10-11; 1 Corinthians 13:8.
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