Lesson for October 5, 2024


Scripture Reading: Ephesians 3.

Memory Verse: John 3:3.

  1. What did the prophet Malachi say about the messenger who would announce the Lord? What would the Lord Jesus do when He came? Malachi 3:1-3.
  2. What does Isaiah prophesy concerning this one that was chosen to prepare the way for earth’s long awaited Redeemer? Isaiah 40:3.
  3. When this messenger of whom the prophets spoke came, what was the burden of his message? Matthew 3:1-3.

Note. The people who came to John the Baptist desiring to be baptized didn’t only accept the truth, but they felt sorry for their sins and repented and confessed to God. Those who refused to give up their former sins were turned away.

  1. What did John the Baptist have to say about Jesus, for whom he was preparing the way? Matthew 3:10-12.
  2. Shortly after Jesus commenced His ministry, who came unto Him? What did he say? John 3:1, 2.

Note. Could it be possible that Nicodemus was ashamed to be seen in the presence of Jesus, and therefore chose to come by night, when the danger of being seen by his unbelieving friends would be less? This compares with people in this day and age who have heard about the Lord, but are afraid to confess Him, in the presence of their worldly friends.

  1. How did Jesus reply to Nicodemus? John 3:3.
  2. When Nicodemus didn’t understand the new birth and said “How can these things be?” what did Jesus reply? John 3:10-12.
  3. How necessary did Jesus say that the new birth is? John 3:5-8.
  4. What else does the Holy Writ of God say about the new birth? John 1:12,13; 1 Peter 1:23.
  5. For what purpose was the Son of God manifested? 1 John 3:5-9.

Note. Purification (Christ within us) and remaining true through trials and tests, is our only security, assurance and strength.

  1. In Daniel’s prophecies of the ending of this age, what two classes of people are mentioned? Daniel 12:10.
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