Lesson for October 15, 2022
Scripture Reading: Ezekiel 38:14-23.
Memory Verse: Ezekiel 38:16.
- What special blessing did the Lord promise to Abraham and to his seed? What is promised for those that bless the chosen people and those that curse them? Genesis 12:1-3.
- What race of people hold the legal deed to the Holy Land? Genesis 15:18, 17:8.
- Has God disinherited the literal heirs to this estate? Jeremiah 31:35-37; Romans 11:1-4.
- What is said of them when among the nations? Isaiah 61:9.
- Is the Lord gathering the same race of people back to the Land of Israel that He removed from the land? Jeremiah 32:37.
- Is the Heavenly Father bringing the Jews back to their own land because of their own merits, or for His own name’s sake? Ezekiel 36:22.
- Will they be given a new heart and spirit? Verse 26. What is said of the waste land and the ancient cities? Verses 34-36.
- When the north country and her satellites come against Jerusalem, will it be the people of Israel (the Jews) in the land or another race? Ezekiel 38:14,15.
- When does this war and destruction take place, and against whom? Verse 16.
- When the Lord gathers the nations to judgment before Jerusalem, which tribe of Israel is especially mentioned as being gathered to Jerusalem? Joel 3:1-2.
- Which tribe does Zechariah associate with Jerusalem when the Lord fights for Israel? Zechariah 12:2,3.