Lesson for April 9, 2016.


Scripture reading: II Corinthians 4:1-18.

Memory verse: Hebrews 4:2.

  1. In order to please God, what must we possess? Heb. 11:6.
  2. Where was the first recorded act of faith in a blood atonement made? Heb. 11:4.
  3. What act of faith was required on the evening of Passover? Ex. 12:7.

NOTE: The slaying of the Passover lamb was not enough, it was up to every one to know if the blood had been applied to the door posts of the houses. It is not enough today to know that Christ lived and died, for every individual must avail himself of the sacrifice He made for them.

  1. In by gone days, why was the word not profitable to the Children of Israel? Heb. 4:2.
  2. How did an Israelite show faith in a blood atonement? Lev. 4:27-30.
  3. What Bible definition is given for faith? Rom. 12:3.
  4. How many possess this faith? Rom. 12:3.
  5. For what do many clamor, that shows an inward lack of faith? John 6:30.
  6. Before we shall see the glory of God, what must we do? John 11:40.

NOTE: Jesus could have spoken the word and the stone would have moved away under divine control, but He chose to use human power as far as possible. By His request in John 11:39, was uncovered the lack of faith in the heart of Martha. After the human hand had reached its limit, in John 11:41, He called on the Father to do what human power could not do; give life to a dead body. Spiritually speaking, God alone can raise us from spiritual death and decay.

  1. Why did Jesus commend the centurion above the others? Matt. 8:5-8.
  2. What leads us to believe that Christ will soon return? Luke 18:8.
  3. Who only will meet God’s full requirements? Rev. 14:12.


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