Lesson for December 2, 2023


Note. Isaiah prophesied in the days of Uzziah, Jotham,Ahaz and Hezekiah, around about 758 to 698 B.C. His prophecies of Christ are most amazing. Given seven centuries before Christ, their accuracy of fulfillment is an outstanding testimony to the divine inspiration of the Bible.

Scripture reading: Isaiah 55.

Memory verse: Isa 66:20.

  1. In Isaiah chapter 1-8, the prophet relates a wonderful experience. Do you see anything in it that could be an example to us in this age?
  2. Did Isaiah foretell the birth of Christ? Isa 9:6, 7; 11:1-5.
  3. Why didn’t the people recognize Jesus as the Christ through a knowledge of these prophecies and others? Isa. 6:9-12
  4. Is Isaiah 53:1-3 in any way connected with this thought?

Note. Isaiah 53 is the outstanding prophecy of Christ. It briefly but beautifully sums up His mission as our Saviour, foretelling His rejection of men and His suffering in bearing our sins. A study of this one chapter should convince the most doubtful agnostic.

  1. Discuss Isaiah 53:10-12
  2. How was verse 8 of Isaiah 53 fulfilled specifically?

Note. According to Rabbinical tradition. Isaiah was cut in half in the trunk of a tree at the age of 90 years, by the command of Manasseh. It is believed by some that Hebrews 11:37 refers to his death.

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