Lesson for June 12, 2021


Scripture reading: Psalms 97.

Memory verse: Phil. 4:4.

  1. What admonition does the Psalmist give the righteous? Psa. 5:11; 32:11; 68:3.

Note. In the Word of God we find many references which exhortthose who love and serve the Lord to be joyful and to express their joy in no uncertain manner.

  1. Why should the Christian rejoice even when persecuted? Luke 6:23; Acts 5:41; 1 Peter 1:5-9.

Note. It was from a prison cell, when his future was uncer­tain, that the Apostle Paul enjoined his converts to “rejoice in the Lord always,” and then, as if he thought some would consider this a rash and impossible command, he convinced them by repeating, “And again I say, Rejoice!” Phil. 4:4.

  1. What shall the reward of those who sow in tears? Psa. 126:5, 6.
  2. The joyful Christian will possess what characteristics? Rom. 12:10-15.

Note. The ungrateful soul cannot rejoice; it is too full of self, of murmurings, to see the cause of joy. The late Alexander Whyte once visited an old woman who was full of murmurings. During a stay of 20 minutes he uttered not a word, but was patiently listening to her tale of woe. Then rising, he picked up his hat and gloves, and shaking her hand, said in farewell, “And mind ye forget not all His benefits!”

  1. What does Solomon say is the gift of Heaven? Ecc. 3:12, 13, 22; 5:19.
  2. Does the Lord require a joyful people, ever rejoicing? Joel 2:23; Deut. 12:10-12; 16:11; 1 Chron. 16:10.

Note. If we dwell in the love of God, will we need to be exhorted to rejoice in the Lord? Do you feel that the believer who is always gloomy and despondent is failing in his obligation to God and man? Rejoicing in the Lord is mentioned 208 times in the Bible, and to be glad 37 times. Happiness in the Lord is also spoken of many times.

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