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Lesson for May 19, 2018 


Scripture reading: John 14.

Memory verse: John 14: 18. 

  1. What did Jesus say the Comforter was? John 14: 26.
  2. If the Comforter is the Holy Spirit, when did he come? Acts 1: 8; 2: 1-4, 17.
  3. How long was this comforting Spirit to abide? John 14: 16.
  4. Who did Paul say this Spirit was 2 Cor. 3: 17.
  5. By what Spirit did Paul say we are changed from glory to glory? Verse 18.
  6. How great is this Spirit that changes our lives? 1 John 4: 4.
  7. How can a sinner receive this gift of the Holy Spirit? Acts 2: 38-39.
  8. Could it be possible for the comforting Spirit to come if the Saviour had not returned to His Father? John 16: 7.
  9. What did he say this comforting Spirit of truth would do when it came? Verse 13.
  10. How did Paul say we are all baptized into one body? 1 cor. 12: 13.
  11. If we are all made to drink into one Spirit, what will flow out from us? John 7: 38-39.
  12. What did Paul call this Spirit when he wrote to the Romans? Rom. 8:9-10. What did he say was the hope of glory? Col. 1: 27.
  13. How willing is the Father to give the Holy Spirit? Luke 11: 11-13. 

Note: Paul calls the Holy Spirit a mystery, and said it hath been hid from ages and from generations, but now is made manifest to his saints. So let us study this mystery carefully, and prayerfully, which is Christ in you the hope of glory. Col. 1: 27, last part.

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