Lesson for November 7, 2020


Scripture Reading: Acts 2:1-47.

Memory Verse: Acts 2: 46, 47.

  1. After Jesus was resurrected and before He ascended to heaven, for what did He tell His disciples to wait? Acts. 1:4.
  2. What was this promise that Jesus said they would receive? Verse 5.
  3. With what were the disciples filled when the promise of the Father came upon them? Acts 2:4.
  4. As a result of the Almighty Power of God through the holy ghost, what wonderful thing happened? Acts 2:41.
  5. In what condition were the disciples of Christ when Pentecost came and the Holy Ghost was given? Acts 2:1
  6. What other wonderful works were performed by the power of God? Acts 3:1-8.
  7. What effect did the miracles which were performed and the preaching of the apostles, have upon those who witnessed this? Acts 4:4.
  8. How did the whole company lift up their voices to God? Verses 23-30.
  9. What was the result of their united prayer? Verse 31.
  10. What is said of the condition of the multitude at this? Verse 32.
  11. What was the result of this oneness of accord? Verse 33.
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