Lesson for February 11, 2017.


Scripture Reading: Romans 3:10-31.

Memory Verses: 1 John 3:2,3.

  1. Under what condition does man find himself? Romans 3:9, 23.

NOTE: Paul, as a Jew, could say that the same law that points out sin in one group does so for the other. In the sight of God all mankind stands as unclean and therefore needs the cleansing blood which Jesus shed on Calvary’s cross.

  1. From what line of evidence does Paul draw to prove universal condemnation? Romans 3:10-18.
  2. What then is the purpose of the law? Romans 3:19.

NOTE: When one realizes his guilt before God, it is an easy matter to show him the way of life. Were it possible to remove the law, then the detection of sin and the persuasion of guilt by the authority of God’s Word and Will would also be removed.

  1. Today, what class can Christ not reach? Matthew 8:10-13.
  2. What great parable teaches this lesson? Luke 18:11-14.
  3. What is sin in the sight of God? 1 John 3:4.
  4. Bearing the guilt alone (without the Saviour) brings what results? Romans 6:23.

NOTE: Those who reject the call of the Holy Spirit to become converted will one day have to bear their guilt alone. The atonement for sin was made for all, but all will not accept the free forgiveness through the shed Blood.

  1. Who alone can lift the burden of sin and guilt? Isaiah 53:8,11.
  2. For what personal admonition does Paul plead? 2 Corinthians 7:1.
  3. In Christ, what is our new status before God? 1 John 3:1.
  4. So long as we have this hope within us what should be our spiritual condition as we await His return? 1 John 3:2,3. See also Daniel 12:9 and 10.


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