Lesson for January 29, 2022


Scripture reading: Exodus 7.

Memory verse: Exodus 7:5.

  1. When Pharaoh asked for a sign, what was Moses to do? Exodus 7:9.
  2. When Moses and Aaron appeared before Pharaoh, what did he do? Verse 10.
  3. When Pharaoh’s magicians performed the same miracle, what happened? Verse 11, 12.
  4. What did God pronounce upon Pharaoh? Verse 17, 18.
  5. What did Moses and Aaron do next? Verse 19, 20.
  6. What happened next? Verse 22.
  7. What other terrible plagues came upon Egypt? Exodus 8: 5, 6.
  8. What did Pharaoh’s magicians do? Verse 7.
  9. What effect did this have upon Pharaoh? Verse 8.
  10. How did Pharaoh react to God’s mercy? Verse 15.
  11. What was the next plague? Verses 16, 17.
  12. What did the magicians fail to do? Verse 18.

Note. Signs and miracles are not the only evidence of God’s power. Satan can counterfeit this today as he did years gone by in Egypt. However, he has not all power as God has. By the almighty power of God, Moses’s rod swallowed the Egypt­ian’s rods. When the signs of which Jesus speaks of in Mark 16:17, 18. are with us, we too will show superior power as we go forth with the message of salvation through the shed blood of God’s only beloved son, Jesus the Christ.

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