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Lesson for November 24, 2018


Scripture reading: Luke 21:24-36.

Memory verse: Luke 21:36.

  1. Is it possible for man to know the exact time of the second coming of Christ? Matthew 24:36.
  2. Will the people of the world have any warning of this great event? Luke 21:25.
  3. What will be the condition of the world just before the Lord’s return? Luke 21:25, 26.
  4. When these signs began to pass what will be seen by men, and how will the people of God react? Luke 21: 27, 28.
  5. What is said about the condition of Jerusalem during the period when the gospel is going out to all nations? Verse 24.
  6. What will it signify when Jerusalem ceases to be trodden down by the Gentiles? Verse 24.
  7. What other conditions today (besides the Jews returning to the Promised Land) show us that the end is very near? Verse 25.
  8. How does the apostle John speak of the world situation just before the end? Revelation 11:18.
  9. What signs are to be observed in the force of nature? Matthew 24:7.

Note. — In America alone a major crime is committed every twenty seconds. Never before were there such perilous times. Scientists are now frightened and are prophesying destruction by atomic warfare.

  1. What about conditions in the religious and social world just before His return? 2 Timothy 3:1-5.
  2. What did the angel tell Daniel about our advanced age of knowledge? Daniel 12:4.
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